Experience a practical example of applying Decision Quality Framing practices to a case study

Join Brian Putt and Alex Sidorenko as we develop a complete case study using Decision Quality (DQ) practices and Decision Analysis (DA).

This is the first of two videos that create the frame for this evaluation using the classic DQ practices of Issue Raising, Decision Hierarchy, Strategy Table and Influence Diagram.

Brian serves as the analyst and interviews / interacts with Alex as the subject matter expert.

In the second session we will create the model and analyze the results using SIPmath Enterprise tool. Register for 2 session now https://2020.riskawarenessweek.com/talks/create-an-excel-model-and-evaluate-using-decision-analysis-and-monte-carlo-practices-the-case-study-framed-in-session-1/

About The Speakers

Brian Putt

Brian Putt

Decision Quality Consultant, Putt DQ Consulting

Brian is currently a Decision Quality Consultant to assist organizations in making good decisions using probabilistic analysis. He maintains a YouTube Channel that include a number of instructional videos on Excel and SIPmath applications. After retirement from Chevron in 2016 he has volunteered with the non-profit Probability Management (www.probabilitymanagement.org) to promote Decision Quality using SIPmath.