
Uncertainty management and decision making under uncertainty

Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Annette Hofmann

Annette Hofmann

Robert F. Corroon Chair in Risk, Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management at St. John's University

Kurt Nelson PhD

Kurt Nelson PhD

The Lantern Group, The Lantern Group

Grant Purdy

Grant Purdy

Director, Sufficient Certainty Pty Ltd

Sam Savage

Sam Savage

Executive Director, ProbabilityManagement.org

Max Henrion

Max Henrion

CEO, Lumina Decision Systems

Mark Armour

Mark Armour

Director Global Business Continuity, Brink's Inc.

Shaun Doheney

Shaun Doheney

Assistant Director of Training and Certification, ProbabilityManagement.org

Shayne Kavanagh

Shayne Kavanagh

Senior Manager, Research, Government Finance Officers Association

Benoit Ladouceur

Benoit Ladouceur

Specialist Director, Enterprise Risk, VIA Rail Canada

Connor McLemore

Connor McLemore

Principal Operations Research Analyst, CANA Advisors

Mark Powell

Mark Powell

Consultant, Attwater Consulting

Yuri Raydugin

Yuri Raydugin

Author, Modern Risk Quantification in Complex Projects

Alex Sidorenko

Alex Sidorenko

Chief Risk Officer, Institute for Strategic Risk Analysis

Marischa van Zantvoort

Marischa van Zantvoort

CEO, Loyd Consulting Group

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Assistant Director of Technology and Standards, ProbabilityManagement.org


Making decisions unburdened by ‘risk management’ myths

Grant Purdy

The Cat Insurance Puzzle: Why People insure their Cellphone but not their Home

Annette Hofmann

Addressing the Failure of Risk Quantification: Moving from Speculating on Project Complexity to Actually Quantifying It

Yuri Raydugin

Crowdsourcing distributions

Sam Savage Shayne Kavanagh

Why consider uncertainty? The value of knowing how little you know

Max Henrion

Decision Support for Security Projects in a VUCA Environment

Alex Sidorenko Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo Sam Savage

Decisions Using Monte Carlo: More Samples may not be Better

Mark Powell

Military Readiness Modeling: Changing the Question from “Ready or Not?” to “How Ready for What?”

Connor McLemore Sam Savage

Managing risks while getting shot at – AKA you have the time to conduct a risk assessment

Benoit Ladouceur

Supporting Cybersecurity Investment Decisions through Interactive Simulations

Sam Savage Shaun Doheney

Why we make dumb decisions: Insights from behavioral science into why we behave the way we do

Kurt Nelson

Business Continuity: 40 Years of Valuing Output over Outcome

Mark Armour

Crowdsourcing risk with Risk-Focus, because somebody in the organization knows something the organization must know

Marischa van Zantvoort