
ISO 31000 is a family of standards relating to risk management codified by the International Organization for Standardization. The purpose of ISO 31000:2009 is to provide principles and generic guidelines on risk management.

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Douglas Hubbard

Douglas Hubbard

Founder/President, Hubbard Decision Research

Norman Marks

Norman Marks

Norman Marks, Author, thought leader, retired CAE and CRO

Kurt Nelson PhD

Kurt Nelson PhD

The Lantern Group, The Lantern Group

Sam Savage

Sam Savage

Executive Director, ProbabilityManagement.org

Warren Black

Warren Black

Principal, Complexus

Mark Armour

Mark Armour

Director Global Business Continuity, Brink's Inc.

Ben Cattaneo

Ben Cattaneo

Producer, All Things Risk Podcast

Shaun Doheney

Shaun Doheney

Assistant Director of Training and Certification, ProbabilityManagement.org

Jacinthe Galpin

Jacinthe Galpin

Creator, Author and Producer, Risktory Podcast

Alex Hindson

Alex Hindson

CRO, Argo Group

Edward James

Edward James

Founding Director, RCQ Associates Limited

Shayne Kavanagh

Shayne Kavanagh

Senior Manager, Research, Government Finance Officers Association

Benoit Ladouceur

Benoit Ladouceur

Specialist Director, Enterprise Risk, VIA Rail Canada

Judith Nissan

Judith Nissan

Keshet Solutions, Risk Management Consultant

Mehtap Numanoglu

Mehtap Numanoglu

CRO, Brown Brothers Harriman Luxembourg

Demetria O'Sullivan

Demetria O'Sullivan

Experienced CRO, Financial services

Mark Powell

Mark Powell

Consultant, Attwater Consulting

Yehuda Sapir

Yehuda Sapir

Risk Management Consultant, Keshet Solutions

Alex Sidorenko

Alex Sidorenko

Chief Risk Officer, Institute for Strategic Risk Analysis

Julian Talbot

Julian Talbot

Consultant and Author, JulianTalbot.com

Marischa van Zantvoort

Marischa van Zantvoort

CEO, Loyd Consulting Group

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Assistant Director of Technology and Standards, ProbabilityManagement.org


Future trends in Risk Management 2.0

Alex Sidorenko

The Failure of Risk Management

Douglas Hubbard

Five insights in risk management

Julian Talbot

Crowdsourcing distributions

Sam Savage Shayne Kavanagh

Successful Use of Risk Modelling and Simulations in Civil Engineering Mega Projects

Judith Nissan Yehuda Sapir

The Coronavirus – Ten lessons learnt about Modern Risk Management, Resilience & Complex Systems

Warren Black

Decision Support for Security Projects in a VUCA Environment

Alex Sidorenko Sam Savage Eng-Wee Ethan Yeo

Measuring the likelihood of success

Norman Marks

Death, Taxes and Uncertainty - The Myth of Control

Ben Cattaneo

Top 10 Risk Badasses from history: and why they matter in 2020

Jacinthe Galpin

Decisions Using Monte Carlo: More Samples may not be Better

Mark Powell

The route to CRO - career progression within risk

Alex Hindson Edward James Demetria O'Sullivan Mehtap Numanoglu

Managing risks while getting shot at – AKA you have the time to conduct a risk assessment

Benoit Ladouceur

Supporting Cybersecurity Investment Decisions through Interactive Simulations

Shaun Doheney Sam Savage

Why we make dumb decisions: Insights from behavioral science into why we behave the way we do

Kurt Nelson

Business Continuity: 40 Years of Valuing Output over Outcome

Mark Armour

Crowdsourcing risk with Risk-Focus, because somebody in the organization knows something the organization must know

Marischa van Zantvoort